The Better Humans Project

A series of Podcasts that look at practical aspects of how your can make a transformation in your life and become a better human.

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Monday Aug 05, 2024

Episode 7 discusses habits and their importance in our daily life. How habits form.
Habit loops.
Good and bad habits.
Ways to from new habits.
Why existing habits are so hard to break, even when they no longer serve us.
Referenced is Atomic Habits by James Clear
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Sunday Jul 21, 2024

Episode 6 talks about the life and journeys of aviator Bert Hinkler, and what lessons about our own personal journeys we can learn from Hinkler and his exploits.
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Sunday Jul 14, 2024

Episode 5 deals with the role of steps in your journey of life transformation. Firstly, the role of planning your journey and breaking the journey down into manageable steps. Secondly, into the role of taking that first step and the value of taking even small steps to gain momentum and motivation.
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Sunday Jul 07, 2024

Episode 4 of the podcast deals with some of the barriers to starting your journey. In particular, dealing with the barriers to taking that first step!
In particular, the difficulty in letting go of the attachment to your current situation that is making you unhappy.
References are:Books on Neurolinguistic Programming by Tony RobbinsLetting Go - The Pathway of Surrender by David Hawkins
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Sunday Jun 30, 2024

Episode 3 of the podcast deals with another of the foundations of a personal transformation journey, and that is your readiness to commence the journey. This is done by asking yourself the important question of "Am I ready?"
You are encouraged to examine the Barriers and Constraints to starting your journey, and the internal and external factors.
Initial planning to overcome these barriers / constraints and seeing if it is possible to navigate a path to your final goal at this time is discussed.
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Sunday Jun 23, 2024

Episode 2 of the podcast deals with one of the foundations of a personal transformation journey, and that is establishing your starting point. This is done by asking yourself the important question of "Where do I currently stand?"To help with answering this question, a structured tool, the Life Assessment Tool, is introduced. This provides a template to answer the question of where you currently stand on your life journey. The tool asks you to consider your life in terms of a number of axes:
Using this template, you are encouraged to explore not only where you are now, but where you have been before and the highlights and low lights of your life journey. The tool serves as both a source of motivation, but also a guide to determining the current trajectory of your life journey, and also formulating goals for the future.
The concept of regression as a form of progression is also discussed: moving back to a former state of being is not always a negative thing!
Please share this podcast with anyone you feel would benefit. It helps the podcast grow! Like and comment below, I love to hear your thoughts! For material mentioned in the podcast, email me at
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Series 1 Episode 1: Why?

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Monday Jun 17, 2024

This podcast discusses the most important aspect of undergoing a personal transformation - what is your why? Why are you undertaking this process of transformation? The importance of your why Your why provides strength and direction A need vs a want Questions to ask to clarify and strengthen your why Please share this podcast with anyone you feel would benefit. It helps the podcast grow! Like and comment below, I love to hear your thoughts! For material mentioned in the podcast, email me at
Please follow / subscribe to the show on your platform of choice, leave a 5 star rating and a kind review to help the podcast reach new listeners and start conversations with people like you all around the world. And don’t forget to share the episode with mates or anyone you think would benefit from listening to an episode, and lastly don’t forget to share on your socials!

Sunday Oct 08, 2023

In this episode, Greg talks about his mental health issues and describes what it was like living with depression.
Greg also talks about what led up to his suicidal events, and the feelings associated with them.
The tiredness from holding up a positive façade.Various thoughts and feelings.Why sleep was good and yet bad.The slide into suicidal thoughts.Good times and bad times.Being medicated.This is the final episode of this series.
Look for a new podcast launching in a month or two - The Better Humans Project. It's something I am really excited about!
Leave comments with your thoughts and start a conversation! I love hearing from you!
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Sunday Sep 24, 2023

This episode looks at the rise of superficial relationships, partly due to the effects of social media. Are we killing of quality deep relationships in order to have a greater quantity of superficial relationships?Are people changing their behaviour to get more "likes"?Are we seeking too many dopamine hits?Can we service all our connections?Do we spread ourselves too thin overt too many people to enable the development of deep relationships?Do we lose control of our lives be seeking external validation?Why we should continue to be real and authentic.Leave comments with your thoughts and start a conversation! I love hearing from you!
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Sunday Aug 06, 2023

In this episode, we are asked to think about where are we in life? This follows up asking the question Who am I?The idea of conducting a Life Audit to help you answer this question is discussed.
What is a life audit?What questions to ask?What to do with the outcome?Why should you do one?Why you need to repeat the audit regularly?What is the value of looking backwards?When can a regression be a progression?How does knowing where you are help you track your life journey and self development?Why might some people may avoid this task?Leave comments with your thoughts and start a conversation! I love hearing from you!
Please follow / subscribe to the show on your platform of choice, leave a 5 star rating and a kind review to help the podcast reach new listeners and start conversations with people like you all around the world. And don’t forget to share the episode with mates or anyone you think would benefit from listening to an episode, and lastly don’t forget to share on your socials!


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